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Create Reservation Reference Payload API Reference



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Related Content: Hotel Guide, Hotel Workflow Diagram, Hotel Availability API Reference

Use the Create Reservation reference payload request to book a room using a cached offer ID from the Availability response. The reference payload sends an offer ID plus traveler, form of payment, and payment information. It does not send full offer details as in the full payload request.

Offers cached from the Availability response are stored for 15 minutes. If a reservation with the offer ID is not created within 15 minutes, you must send a new Availability request before a reference payload request.


Multi-room sell requests

Travelport will attempt to sell the number of rooms requested, but the supplier may not be able to accommodate the total number of rooms. Each room sold will create a unique hotel segment in the Travelport PNR.

A Traveler name will be associated with each room with these limitations:

  • If the number of rooms requested is equal to the number of Traveler names in the request, each room will be associated with a different Traveler name

  • If the number of rooms requested is not equal to the number of Traveler names in the request, each room will be associated to the first Traveler name.


Query Parameters

Travelport has introduced an automatic check of the rate used in the reservation request. If the guarantee type or price has changed from what was received in the availability response, Travelport will return an error instructing the user to decide to accept this change. If the user wants to accept the change, the relevant query parameter indicator (one or both) listed should be added and the CREATE/ADD request sent a second time.

Parameter Description Required/Optional


Boolean: true indicates that the user accepts any difference in the total price received in availability versus what is the current price in the sell process; false denotes that the user does not accept a price difference and the sell process should not complete. Default is false.



Boolean: true indicates that the user accepts any difference in the guarantee type (guarantee required, deposit required, prepay required) received in availability versus what is the current guarantee type in the sell process; false denotes that the user does not accept a guarantee type difference and the sell process should not complete. Default is false.


Request Body


Example Request

The example below shows the reference payload to create a reservation using an offer ID from Hotel Availability.

Example Response

The request above returns the example response below. The Offer in the reservation response is populated with the cached offer from Hotel Availability. All responses are subject to what is received from the supplier.

Error Messages

Error messages for Hotel Create Reservation API.