Standalone Seat Map API Reference



Base path:



Related Content: Seats Guide, Seat Book API Reference

Standalone Seat Map sends flight criteria including a booking code to return a view-only seat map. Unlike the Seat Map request, Standalone Seat Map does not send any identifiers from a previously searched or priced flight. It is instead a full payload request and can be sent entirely on its own, either within or outside of a workbench session.

To subsequently select a seat, you must send a Seat Book request in a workbench session to add the selected seat/s to the workbench.

GDS only; not supported for NDC.


Query Parameters


Request Body


The Standalone Seat map response is the same as the reference payload seat map response, with the exception that a Result/Warning/Message is returned with the message The seatMap is view only. See the Seat Map API Reference for response details.

Example Request

For additional examples and scenarios, download the developer toolkits and see Using Postman and Developer Toolkits.

Example Response

The Standalone Seat map response is the same as the reference payload seat map response, with the exception that a Result/Warning/Message is returned with the message The seatMap is view only. See the Seat Map API Reference for an example response.