NDC Order Cancel API Reference
receipt/reservations/{workbenchID}/receipts?OfferIdentifier={OfferID} For {workbenchID} send the workbench identifier returned in ReservationResponse/Identifer/value in the workbench create response. For {OfferID} send the offer identifier from Offer/Identifier/value in the Create Workbench response. Base path: Pre-production https://api.pp.travelport.com/11/air/ Production https://api.travelport.com/11/air/ |
Related Content: Exchange, Refund, and Void Guide
Use the Order Cancel API to void or cancel NDC tickets or reservations (held bookings not yet ticketed).
Create a workbench session before sending Order Cancel. You may need to send Refund Quote before the Order Cancel request. See the Exchange, Refund, and Void Guide for workflows.
Also see Authorization and Common Headers.
Header Parameters
In addition to the Common Air Headers, for Order Cancel the RetainFlag header parameter determines the type of operation.
Parameter |
Description |
Required/Optional |
RetainFlag |
Determines the type of cancel operation. Supported values:
Required |
Query Parameters
Also see note above on the RetainFlag header parameter.
Parameter |
Description |
Required/Optional |
OfferIdentifier |
Send the offer identifier for the offer to cancel or void. Returned in the Create Workbench response in Offer/Identifier/value. |
Required |
Request Body
No message payload.
In the HTTP header parameters, set the RetainFlag parameter per above to indicate the cancel operation.
The content of the response depends on the offer canceled:
- When RetainFlag is set to false in the request:
- For a reservation, the booking is canceled. The response does not return a ticket number because no ticket was issued.
- For a ticket, if the ticket is inside the void period determined by the airline, the ticket is voided and any available refund credited to the original form of payment.
- For a ticket, if the ticket is outside the void period or not eligible for a full refund, the ticket is canceled and no refund or a partial refund is issued.
- When RetainFlag is set to true in the request, the ticket and segments are canceled but the ticket value is retained and can be applied to a subsequent booking. Supported NDC carriers only.

Object |
Description |
ReceiptListResponse |
Top level object for response. Includes ReceiptID and ReferenceList objects. |
ReceiptID |
Top level object for cancellation details. Several instances may be returned, with various @type values. Possible @type values include:
All instances of ReceiptID include the following:
ReceiptID @type ReceiptCancellation/Cancellation |
Returns details specific to the canceled booking. Includes the following: @type: Cancellation status. In all cancel scenarios, a successful cancellation returns a type of CancellationHold. Locator: Details for a specific locator code for the canceled booking; returned for both held and ticketed bookings; multiple instances may be returned when multiple locator codes apply:
ReceiptID @type ReceiptPayment/Document |
Returned in ReceiptID with @type ReceiptPayment, which is returned only if booking had been ticketed. Document returns the following ticket details:
ReferenceList |
Top level object. Includes ReferenceListTraveler and ReferenceListOffer. |
ReferenceListTraveler |
Returns traveler details in the Traveler object. |
Traveler |
Specific objects returned vary according to what traveler details were added to the booking but generally include id, Identifier, PersonName, Telephone, Email, and TravelDocument. See Reservation Retrieve for details on Traveler objects. |
ReferenceListOffer |
Returns details of canceled offer in the Offer object. |
Offer |
Returns details of canceled offer. For all voided, canceled, or modified offers, returned with @type OfferModify. Includes Identifier, Product, Price, TermsAndConditionsFull, and ModifyPrice. |
Identifier |
Offer identifier for the canceled offer. In this case, authority is always the NDC carrier code. Key value pairs:
Product |
Standard Product object with flight details for the canceled offer. See Reservation Retrieve for details. |
Price |
Standard Price object with price details for the canceled offer. See Reservation Retrieve for details. |
TermsAndConditionsFull |
Standard TermsAndConditionsFull object with terms and conditions of the canceled offer. See Reservation Retrieve for details. |
ModifyPrice |
For canceled or voided tickets, details about any refund. Not returned for canceled bookings, as no payment was made. Includes CurrencyCode and TotalPrice objects. |
CurrencyCode |
The currency of the fare. Key value pairs:
TotalPrice |
Number. A positive number here indicates the amount of the refund for a canceled or voided ticket. A negative value indicates the amount of the ticket value forfeited. |
Example Request
No message body. Example POST request:
Example Response
In all cancel scenarios, a successful cancellation returns at least one instance of ReceiptID@type ReceiptCancellation/Cancellation@type CancellationHold:
"Cancellation": {
"@type": "CancellationHold",
"Locator": {
"source": "SQ",
"sourceContext": "VendorLocator",
"value": "5EI5CB"
For tickets, cancel and void requests also return an instance of ReceiptID@type ReceiptPayment in which Document@type indicates the void or refund; see the table above for possible values.
In the following example, the ticket was voided with the void period (ReceiptID@type ReceiptPayment/Document@type=DocumentTicketVoid and VoidInd=true) and the full ticket value was refunded. The response for a canceled and refunded ticket is similar.
The response for a canceled reservation is also similar but does not return an instance of ReceiptID with @type ReceiptPayment because no payment was made.

"ReceiptListResponse": {
"@type": "ReceiptListResponse",
"ReceiptID": [
"@type": "ReceiptCancellation",
"id": "receipt_1",
"Identifier": {
"authority": "SQ",
"value": "60392c8f-5a72-453d-bfbe-3953db40d0b9"
"OfferRef": [
"Cancellation": {
"@type": "CancellationHold",
"Locator": {
"source": "SQ",
"sourceContext": "VendorLocator",
"value": "5EI5CB"
"@type": "ReceiptCancellation",
"id": "receipt_2",
"Identifier": {
"authority": "SQ",
"value": "10814c12-0e54-477c-9c7c-485b9d394b43"
"OfferRef": [
"Cancellation": {
"@type": "CancellationHold",
"Locator": {
"source": "SQ",
"sourceContext": "OrderId",
"value": "SQ_5EI5CB"
"@type": "ReceiptPayment",
"id": "receipt_3",
"ReceiptRef": "receipt_1",
"Identifier": {
"authority": "SQ",
"value": "fa128d62-ba4e-40aa-9a7e-600d6c88daa2"
"OfferRef": [
"Document": [
"@type": "DocumentTicketVoid",
"Number": "6182439894937",
"TravelerIdentifierRef": {
"value": "trav_1"
"VoidInd": "true"
"@type": "ReceiptCancellation",
"id": "receipt_4",
"OfferRef": [],
"Cancellation": {
"@type": "CancellationHold",
"Locator": {
"source": "1G",
"value": "2WSSNH"
"ReferenceList": [
"@type": "ReferenceListOffer",
"Offer": [
"@type": "OfferModify",
"id": "1",
"offerRef": "1",
"Identifier": {
"authority": "SQ",
"Product": [
"@type": "ProductAir",
"totalDuration": "PT4H",
"id": "product1",
"Identifier": {
"authority": "SQ",
"value": "762fe1dd-d4b5-4458-be4a-af74b79d9e02"
"FlightSegment": [
"@type": "FlightSegment",
"id": "s1",
"sequence": 1,
"Flight": {
"@type": "Flight",
"carrier": "SQ",
"number": "895",
"id": "seg1",
"Identifier": {
"authority": "SQ",
"value": "c4e81840-f2d5-4a61-80a8-b5b218a6e20f"
"Departure": {
"@type": "DepartureDetail",
"terminal": "1",
"location": "HKG",
"date": "2022-12-22",
"time": "18:50:00"
"Arrival": {
"@type": "ArrivalDetail",
"terminal": "0",
"location": "SIN",
"date": "2022-12-22",
"time": "22:50:00"
"PassengerFlight": [
"@type": "PassengerFlight",
"passengerQuantity": 1,
"passengerTypeCode": "ADT",
"FlightProduct": [
"@type": "FlightProduct",
"segmentSequence": [
"classOfService": "W",
"fareBasisCode": "W14HKO"
"Price": {
"@type": "PriceDetail",
"CurrencyCode": {
"decimalPlace": 0,
"value": "HKD"
"Base": 2670,
"TotalTaxes": 265,
"TotalFees": 0,
"TotalPrice": 2935,
"PriceBreakdown": [
"@type": "PriceBreakdownAir",
"quantity": 1,
"requestedPassengerType": "ADT",
"Amount": {
"@type": "Amount",
"CurrencyCode": {
"decimalPlace": 0,
"value": "HKD"
"Base": 2670,
"Taxes": {
"@type": "TaxesDetail",
"TotalTaxes": 265,
"Tax": [
"taxCode": "G3",
"value": 90
"taxCode": "HK",
"value": 120
"taxCode": "I5",
"value": 55
"Total": 2935
"TermsAndConditionsFull": [
"@type": "TermsAndConditionsFullAir",
"TextBlock": [
"@type": "TextBlockDetail",
"description": "FARE RULES",
"TextFormatted": [
"value": "true"
"@type": "TextBlockDetail",
"description": "FARE RULES",
"TextFormatted": [
"value": "true"
"@type": "TextBlockDetail",
"description": "FARE RULES",
"TextFormatted": [
"value": "true"
"BaggageAllowance": [
"@type": "BaggageAllowanceDetail",
"passengerTypeCodes": [
"baggageType": "FirstCheckedBag",
"ProductRef": [
"BaggageItem": [
"@type": "BaggageItem",
"quantity": 1,
"Measurement": [
"measurementType": "Weight",
"unit": "Kilograms",
"value": 30
"FareRuleInfo": [
"@type": "FareRuleInfoText",
"flightsRefs": [
"TextFareRule": [
"name": "Cancel",
"value": "Reissue/Refund minimum penalty amount after departure: HKD0"
"name": "Cancel",
"value": "Reissue/Refund maximum penalty amount for the ticket after departure: HKD0"
"name": "Cancel",
"value": "Reissue/Refund maximum penalty amount with sale currency: HKD0"
"name": "Cancel",
"value": "Reissue/Refund minimum penalty amount after departure no show: HKD0"
"name": "Cancel",
"value": "Reissue/Refund maximum penalty amount for the ticket after departure no show: HKD0"
"name": "Cancel",
"value": "Reissue/Refund maximum penalty amount after departure no show: HKD0"
"name": "Cancel",
"value": "Reissue/Refund minimum penalty amount before departure: HKD790"
"name": "Cancel",
"value": "Reissue/Refund maximum penalty amount for the ticket before departure: HKD790"
"name": "Cancel",
"value": "Reissue/Refund maximum penalty amount before departure: HKD790"
"name": "Cancel",
"value": "Reissue/Refund minimum penalty amount before departure no show: HKD1570"
"name": "Cancel",
"value": "Reissue/Refund maximum penalty amount for the ticket before departure no show: HKD1570"
"name": "Cancel",
"value": "Reissue/Refund maximum penalty amount before departure no show: HKD1570"
"name": "Change",
"value": "Revalidation maximum penalty amount for the ticket after departure: HKD0"
"name": "Change",
"value": "Revalidation minimum penalty amount after departure: HKD0"
"name": "Change",
"value": "Reissue/Refund minimum penalty amount after departure: HKD0"
"name": "Change",
"value": "Reissue/Refund maximum penalty amount for the ticket after departure: HKD0"
"name": "Change",
"value": "Revalidation maximum penalty amount after departure: HKD0"
"name": "Change",
"value": "Reissue/Refund maximum penalty amount with sale currency: HKD0"
"name": "Change",
"value": "Revalidation maximum penalty amount for the ticket after departure no show: HKD0"
"name": "Change",
"value": "Revalidation minimum penalty amount after departure no show: HKD0"
"name": "Change",
"value": "Reissue/Refund minimum penalty amount after departure no show: HKD0"
"name": "Change",
"value": "Reissue/Refund maximum penalty amount for the ticket after departure no show: HKD0"
"name": "Change",
"value": "Revalidation maximum penalty amount after departure no show: HKD0"
"name": "Change",
"value": "Reissue/Refund maximum penalty amount after departure no show: HKD0"
"name": "Change",
"value": "Revalidation maximum penalty amount for the ticket before departure: HKD160"
"name": "Change",
"value": "Revalidation minimum penalty amount before departure: HKD160"
"name": "Change",
"value": "Reissue/Refund minimum penalty amount before departure: HKD0"
"name": "Change",
"value": "Reissue/Refund maximum penalty amount for the ticket before departure: HKD160"
"name": "Change",
"value": "Revalidation maximum penalty amount before departure: HKD160"
"name": "Change",
"value": "Reissue/Refund maximum penalty amount before departure: HKD160"
"name": "Change",
"value": "Revalidation maximum penalty amount for the ticket before departure no show: HKD790"
"name": "Change",
"value": "Revalidation minimum penalty amount before departure no show: HKD790"
"name": "Change",
"value": "Reissue/Refund minimum penalty amount before departure no show: HKD0"
"name": "Change",
"value": "Reissue/Refund maximum penalty amount for the ticket before departure no show: HKD790"
"name": "Change",
"value": "Revalidation maximum penalty amount before departure no show: HKD790"
"name": "Change",
"value": "Reissue/Refund maximum penalty amount before departure no show: HKD790"
"Penalties": [
"@type": "Penalties",
"Change": [
"@type": "ChangePermitted",
"penaltyTypes": [
"higherPenatltyAppliesInd": true,
"Penalty": [
"@type": "PenaltyAmount",
"Amount": {
"code": "HKD",
"minorUnit": 2,
"value": 0
"@type": "ChangePermitted",
"penaltyTypes": [
"higherPenatltyAppliesInd": true,
"Penalty": [
"@type": "PenaltyAmount",
"Amount": {
"code": "HKD",
"minorUnit": 2,
"value": 0
"@type": "ChangePermitted",
"penaltyTypes": [
"higherPenatltyAppliesInd": true,
"Penalty": [
"@type": "PenaltyAmount",
"Amount": {
"code": "HKD",
"minorUnit": 2,
"value": 0
"@type": "ChangePermitted",
"penaltyTypes": [
"higherPenatltyAppliesInd": true,
"Penalty": [
"@type": "PenaltyAmount",
"Amount": {
"code": "HKD",
"minorUnit": 2,
"value": 0
"@type": "ChangePermitted",
"penaltyTypes": [
"higherPenatltyAppliesInd": true,
"Penalty": [
"@type": "PenaltyAmount",
"Amount": {
"code": "HKD",
"minorUnit": 2,
"value": 0
"@type": "ChangePermitted",
"penaltyTypes": [
"higherPenatltyAppliesInd": true,
"Penalty": [
"@type": "PenaltyAmount",
"Amount": {
"code": "HKD",
"minorUnit": 2,
"value": 0
"@type": "ChangePermitted",
"penaltyTypes": [
"higherPenatltyAppliesInd": true,
"Penalty": [
"@type": "PenaltyAmount",
"Amount": {
"code": "HKD",
"minorUnit": 2,
"value": 0
"@type": "ChangePermitted",
"penaltyTypes": [
"higherPenatltyAppliesInd": true,
"Penalty": [
"@type": "PenaltyAmount",
"Amount": {
"code": "HKD",
"minorUnit": 2,
"value": 0
"@type": "ChangePermitted",
"penaltyTypes": [
"higherPenatltyAppliesInd": true,
"Penalty": [
"@type": "PenaltyAmount",
"Amount": {
"code": "HKD",
"minorUnit": 2,
"value": 0
"@type": "ChangePermitted",
"penaltyTypes": [
"higherPenatltyAppliesInd": true,
"Penalty": [
"@type": "PenaltyAmount",
"Amount": {
"code": "HKD",
"minorUnit": 2,
"value": 0
"@type": "ChangePermitted",
"penaltyTypes": [
"higherPenatltyAppliesInd": true,
"Penalty": [
"@type": "PenaltyAmount",
"Amount": {
"code": "HKD",
"minorUnit": 2,
"value": 0
"@type": "ChangePermitted",
"penaltyTypes": [
"higherPenatltyAppliesInd": true,
"Penalty": [
"@type": "PenaltyAmount",
"Amount": {
"code": "HKD",
"minorUnit": 2,
"value": 0
"@type": "ChangePermitted",
"penaltyTypes": [
"higherPenatltyAppliesInd": true,
"Penalty": [
"@type": "PenaltyAmount",
"Amount": {
"code": "HKD",
"minorUnit": 2,
"value": 160
"@type": "ChangePermitted",
"penaltyTypes": [
"higherPenatltyAppliesInd": true,
"Penalty": [
"@type": "PenaltyAmount",
"Amount": {
"code": "HKD",
"minorUnit": 2,
"value": 160
"@type": "ChangePermitted",
"penaltyTypes": [
"higherPenatltyAppliesInd": true,
"Penalty": [
"@type": "PenaltyAmount",
"Amount": {
"code": "HKD",
"minorUnit": 2,
"value": 0
"@type": "ChangePermitted",
"penaltyTypes": [
"higherPenatltyAppliesInd": true,
"Penalty": [
"@type": "PenaltyAmount",
"Amount": {
"code": "HKD",
"minorUnit": 2,
"value": 160
"@type": "ChangePermitted",
"penaltyTypes": [
"higherPenatltyAppliesInd": true,
"Penalty": [
"@type": "PenaltyAmount",
"Amount": {
"code": "HKD",
"minorUnit": 2,
"value": 160
"@type": "ChangePermitted",
"penaltyTypes": [
"higherPenatltyAppliesInd": true,
"Penalty": [
"@type": "PenaltyAmount",
"Amount": {
"code": "HKD",
"minorUnit": 2,
"value": 160
"@type": "ChangePermitted",
"penaltyTypes": [
"higherPenatltyAppliesInd": true,
"Penalty": [
"@type": "PenaltyAmount",
"Amount": {
"code": "HKD",
"minorUnit": 2,
"value": 790
"@type": "ChangePermitted",
"penaltyTypes": [
"higherPenatltyAppliesInd": true,
"Penalty": [
"@type": "PenaltyAmount",
"Amount": {
"code": "HKD",
"minorUnit": 2,
"value": 790
"@type": "ChangePermitted",
"penaltyTypes": [
"higherPenatltyAppliesInd": true,
"Penalty": [
"@type": "PenaltyAmount",
"Amount": {
"code": "HKD",
"minorUnit": 2,
"value": 0
"@type": "ChangePermitted",
"penaltyTypes": [
"higherPenatltyAppliesInd": true,
"Penalty": [
"@type": "PenaltyAmount",
"Amount": {
"code": "HKD",
"minorUnit": 2,
"value": 790
"@type": "ChangePermitted",
"penaltyTypes": [
"higherPenatltyAppliesInd": true,
"Penalty": [
"@type": "PenaltyAmount",
"Amount": {
"code": "HKD",
"minorUnit": 2,
"value": 790
"@type": "ChangePermitted",
"penaltyTypes": [
"higherPenatltyAppliesInd": true,
"Penalty": [
"@type": "PenaltyAmount",
"Amount": {
"code": "HKD",
"minorUnit": 2,
"value": 790
"Cancel": [
"@type": "CancelPermitted",
"penaltyTypes": [
"higherPenatltyAppliesInd": true,
"Penalty": [
"@type": "PenaltyAmount",
"Amount": {
"code": "HKD",
"minorUnit": 2,
"value": 0
"@type": "CancelPermitted",
"penaltyTypes": [
"higherPenatltyAppliesInd": true,
"Penalty": [
"@type": "PenaltyAmount",
"Amount": {
"code": "HKD",
"minorUnit": 2,
"value": 0
"@type": "CancelPermitted",
"penaltyTypes": [
"higherPenatltyAppliesInd": true,
"Penalty": [
"@type": "PenaltyAmount",
"Amount": {
"code": "HKD",
"minorUnit": 2,
"value": 0
"@type": "CancelPermitted",
"penaltyTypes": [
"higherPenatltyAppliesInd": true,
"Penalty": [
"@type": "PenaltyAmount",
"Amount": {
"code": "HKD",
"minorUnit": 2,
"value": 0
"@type": "CancelPermitted",
"penaltyTypes": [
"higherPenatltyAppliesInd": true,
"Penalty": [
"@type": "PenaltyAmount",
"Amount": {
"code": "HKD",
"minorUnit": 2,
"value": 0
"@type": "CancelPermitted",
"penaltyTypes": [
"higherPenatltyAppliesInd": true,
"Penalty": [
"@type": "PenaltyAmount",
"Amount": {
"code": "HKD",
"minorUnit": 2,
"value": 0
"@type": "CancelPermitted",
"penaltyTypes": [
"higherPenatltyAppliesInd": true,
"Penalty": [
"@type": "PenaltyAmount",
"Amount": {
"code": "HKD",
"minorUnit": 2,
"value": 790
"@type": "CancelPermitted",
"penaltyTypes": [
"higherPenatltyAppliesInd": true,
"Penalty": [
"@type": "PenaltyAmount",
"Amount": {
"code": "HKD",
"minorUnit": 2,
"value": 790
"@type": "CancelPermitted",
"penaltyTypes": [
"higherPenatltyAppliesInd": true,
"Penalty": [
"@type": "PenaltyAmount",
"Amount": {
"code": "HKD",
"minorUnit": 2,
"value": 790
"@type": "CancelPermitted",
"penaltyTypes": [
"higherPenatltyAppliesInd": true,
"Penalty": [
"@type": "PenaltyAmount",
"Amount": {
"code": "HKD",
"minorUnit": 2,
"value": 1570
"@type": "CancelPermitted",
"penaltyTypes": [
"higherPenatltyAppliesInd": true,
"Penalty": [
"@type": "PenaltyAmount",
"Amount": {
"code": "HKD",
"minorUnit": 2,
"value": 1570
"@type": "CancelPermitted",
"penaltyTypes": [
"higherPenatltyAppliesInd": true,
"Penalty": [
"@type": "PenaltyAmount",
"Amount": {
"code": "HKD",
"minorUnit": 2,
"value": 1570
"ModifyPrice": {
"@type": "ModifyPriceDetail",
"id": "priceDifference_1",
"CurrencyCode": {
"value": "HKD"
"TotalPrice": 2935
"@type": "ReferenceListTraveler",
"Traveler": [
"@type": "Traveler",
"passengerTypeCode": "ADT",
"id": "trav_1",
"TravelerRef": "trav_1",
"Identifier": {
"authority": "Travelport",
"value": "QURUfFBBWDM="
"PersonName": {
"@type": "PersonName",
"Prefix": "MR",
"Surname": "TESTLASTII"
"Telephone": [
"@type": "Telephone",
"phoneNumber": "212456121",
"id": "telephone_1",
"role": "Work"
"Email": [
"id": "email_1",
"id": "email_2",
"TravelDocument": [
"@type": "TravelDocument",
"docNumber": "H294F45",
"docType": "Passport",
"expireDate": "2032-11-22",
"issueCountry": "IN",
"PersonName": {
"@type": "PersonName"