Editing Agent Commission Setups

To edit an agent commission setup:

  1. On the Edit Agent Commission File screen:

    1. Select the appropriate agent in the Agent box.
    2. Select the travel type record you want to edit in the Defined Travel Types grid.
    3. Click EDIT (or double-click the travel type record).

    The edit area appears in the lower part of the Edit Agent Commission File screen.

  2. Modify the fields in the edit area as appropriate.

    Note: Changing the travel type in the Pay on Travel Type field creates a new travel type record if the travel type is not defined for the agent.

  3. Click SAVE.

    A confirmation message appears.

  4. Click OK.

    The changes you made to the travel type record appear in the Defined Travel Types grid.

  5. To delete a travel type record:

    1. In the Defined Travel Types grid, select the record you want to delete.
    2. Press Ctrl+Delete.

      A confirmation message appears.

    3. Click OK.

      GlobalWare removes the record from the grid.