Chart of Accounts Overview
GlobalWare provides a standard chart of accounts. The chart of accounts is a listing of all accounts used in the general ledger of your agency. By using the Chart of Accounts function, you can view, add, edit, and delete your chart of accounts.
To maintain the chart of accounts, on the GL submenu, click Chart of Accounts.
The Chart of Accounts screen appears.
Retrieving Accounts
Note: Only the branches to which the employee has access are available.
Use the search criteria fields at the top area of the Chart of Accounts screen to query for accounts. Here are some of the ways you can use search criteria to retrieve accounts:
- Specify a chart number in the Account field to automatically retrieve the account information for all branches to which the user has access.
- Specify a chart number in the Account field and a branch (for example, 15100006) in the Branch field to display a specific branch’s account information.
- Specify a portion of an account name (no wildcard character) in the Account Name Contains field. For example, type cash to display all accounts whose description contains "cash".
- Select a chart category from the Category field's drop-down list to retrieve accounts associated with that chart category. You can select Asset, Liability, Capital, Revenue, Expense, or Sales.
After you specify search criteria, click SEARCH. GlobalWare displays accounts that match the criteria in the Search Results grid. Select the one you want to view, edit, or delete.
Cloning Charts
When you create a general ledger branch, GlobalWare prompts you to clone the chart of accounts. If you did not choose to clone it at that time, you can clone it by pressing Shift+F8 on the Chart of Accounts screen. For details, see Cloning Charts for a Branch.
Chart Categories
GlobalWare assumes the following chart ranges for the chart categories:
Chart Category | Chart Range |
Asset |
1000 – 1999 |
Liability |
2000 – 2999 |
Capital |
3000 – 3999 |
Revenue |
4000 – 4999 |
Expense |
5000 – 6999 |
Sales |
7000 – 9999 |