Import Invoices Overview
Use GlobalWare's Import Invoices function to import account and invoice data into GlobalWare, such as historical data from a back-office system or current data from an invoicing/booking system on a website.
The Import Invoices function can import the following types of data:
- New customer and provider accounts – Imports this data from the IMPACCT.DAT file
- New invoices (including any comments, sort lines, and non-accounting data associated with them) – Imports this data from the IMPINV.DAT file
Comments, sort lines, and non-accounting data for invoices that already exist in GlobalWare's Invoice and Comments tables – Imports this data from the COMTIMP.TXT file
The import files (IMPACCT.DAT, IMPINV.DAT, and COMTIMP.TXT) must comply with GlobalWare's file specifications. For more information, see GlobalWare Invoice Data Import Specifications.
Begin the import process in either of the following ways:
- If you have received the import files from a third party and the files meet GlobalWare's file specifications, see Import Invoices Procedure.
- To create the import files yourself, set them up according to GlobalWare's file specifications (described in GlobalWare Invoice Data Import). After creating them, proceed to Import Invoices Procedure.
IMPORTANT: In either case, before importing data, carefully read Before You Begin Importing Invoices.