Configuring Additional Form Codes for PDF to Printer Device Drivers (German Market)
The PaginationSettings.xml file is a pre-set data file that contains market-standard form data. This form data is used specifically by the PDF to Printer device driver (German Market). The typical full path to the folder containing this file is C:\Program Files (x86)\Galileo Print Manager .NET.
You can modify existing form definitions in the PaginationSettings.xml file or add form definitions to it. Alternatively, you can create a different configuration file to hold a separate list of forms. Use an XML code editor to add or modify form definitions based on the information provided in the following table.
Warning: To avoid unexpected results when printing forms, make sure that any changes you make to the PaginationSettings.xml file are accurate and without error.
XML Element | Description |
Document |
Container element that wraps together the other elements in this table. Each Document element defines a form, which is identified by the Type element. Note: Each XML element in this table requires start and end tags that delineate the start and end of the element's content. Using the Document element as an example, the other elements in this table are placed between the Document element's start and end tags (<Document> and </Document>). All other elements in this table contain specific values. |
Type |
Code that identifies the type of form (also known as form code). This form code must be in the Galileo Print Delivery System (GPDS) as well as Galileo Print The value for this element is numeric only. |
Height |
Height (or length) of the print area on the form (in millimeters). |
Width |
Width of the print area on the form (in millimeters). |
PageScaling |
Indicates whether to shrink or enlarge (scale) pages based on the ScalePercentage setting. To scale pages, set the value of this element to True and modify ScalePercentage. |
ScalePercentage |
Amount by which to scale pages. This value represents a percentage amount (for example, "0.90" is 90 percent). To shrink pages, use a percent value that is less than "1.00" (such as "0.80" to shrink pages to 80 percent of the original size). To enlarge pages, use a percent value that is more than "1.00" (such as "1.20" to enlarge pages to 120 percent of the original size). The default value is "0.90". To use this element, set the value of PageScaling to True. |
AutoRotateCenter |
Indicates whether to automatically rotate and center pages to fit on the form medium (for example, to print forms using a landscape orientation). To automatically rotate and center pages, set the value of this element to True. |
XOffset |
Horizontal offset position (in millimeters relative to the left margin) at which printing should start. You can specify a negative value for this element, which causes printing to start within the left-margin area. |
YOffset |
Vertical offset position (in millimeters relative to the top margin) at which printing should start. You can specify a negative value for this element, which causes printing to start within the top-margin area. |
An example of the code structure follows: