If no data is filed in CAT17 the assumption is that a HIP check is performed.
Travelport is fully automated for Category 17 HIP processing, therefore we encourage airlines to manage HIP policies using this ATPCO category.
If the rule looks like the above then It means that byte 19 is coded. Byte 19/20 of CAT 17
If you code HIP under NOTE- (freeflow text) this is not being automated by any of the GDSs. However, we are extracting reports from ATPCO anytime a Cat.17 text is being added
We update the HIP table as well as the Candidate Exception table (Mon-Fri) based on the information we see in the CAT 17 report which is generated after each roll-in from ATPCO. We work a day behind so we can have the whole day's report and also because the effective date is usually the next day.
It is important that the two tables coded are stung with Relational Indicator AND
If the tables are coded with an OR relational indicator then either can be applied but not both.
If you need to exempt HIP for STOPOVERS & TRANSFERS please make sure to update Cat.17 with THEN/AND
As a reminder Travelport is automated with Cat.17 HIP Bytes so control your intent via ATPCO.
For CTM and other plus ups, we do use hardcoding/manual tables, please email to
When Category 35 is present, Higher Intermediate Point (HIP) checks only apply when all of the following conditions apply:
• The fare is a private Fare by Rule created via Category 25.
• The Fare by Rule is a calculated Fare by Rule and the base fare is a public fare.
• The Fare by Rule Category 17 Override field is value B.
• Display Category Code for the Resulting Fare is type L (selling fare amount)
• Category 35 Table 979 does not contain a net fare amount.
Refer to Data Application for Category 25 Fare by Rule for detailed information on the application of HIP checks for Fare by Rules.
COMPARISON OF FARES - fares that ARE in the same Class / Cabin must be compared!
When comparing NORMAL FARES of the 'same class of service' (same cabin) in order to determine if there is a higher intermediate fare, the following sequence shall be followed:
P class fare with P class fare; If no P fare, compare with F fare
F class fare with F class fare; If no F fare, compare with intermediate/business class OR if no J/C use the next lower class fare
J/C class fare with J/C class fare; If no J/C fare compare with Y class fare, provided that where more than one Y class fare is published compare with the highest Y fare (instead of Y2 fare)
Y class fare with economy fare levels (like Y2 fares provided STO/TRA conditions are met).
- Using secondary fares for the HIP check: when there are 2 or more fares published for the same type of normal fare, you may use the lower or the lowest level for the HIP check subject to stopover, transfer, seasonality, day of the week rules!!!! - (unlike CTM)
- The comparison shall be made in the same direction as the fare component. When using half round trip fares the comparison shall be made using half round trip fares. When using one-way fares the comparison shall be made using one-way fares.
- When comparing the HIP candidates to the through fare, any Stopover Charges, Q surcharges or Mileage Increases must be excluded. Once the HIP has been determined, any applicable mileage increases applicable to the through fare will be applied to the HIP fare.
Special FARES HIP application is subject to normal fare HIP check. If the Hip in the normal fare is NIL, then the HIP in the special fare is NIL; there is no need to conduct a separate HIP check for the special fare.
During special fares HIP processing, the normal fares between the origin and destination of the fare component are compared with the normal fare of the same class of service between the point of origin and intermediate points and between the intermediate points and the point of destination of the fare component to establish candidates for the special fares HIPs check. If there is no HIP the applicable special fare may be assessed.
Steps for special fare HIP check:
1. Price the fare for the journey as a normal fare
2. Identify if a normal HIP fare exist: O-I & I-D
3. Determine the applicable special fare from origin to destination
4. Identify the special fare of the same type between the points established as the HIP point for the normal fare (step 2)
5. Compare the special fare identified in step 4 to the special origin to destination(HIP special fare exist vs. no HIP exist)
If there is more than one special fare of the same type on the sector for which a higher normal fare applies, the fare with the conditions most similar to the conditions of the special origin-destination fare shall be used for comparison.
a. ignoring the HIP – INDIA
For traffic originating India and destined to Canada/USA when stopovers are taken in Europe or UK, HIP fares should not be applicable from points in Europe/UK to Canada/USA (whereas other HIPs of different category shall be considered)
b. additional HIP check – TURKEY
For travel between the Middle East and Turkey involving more than one point in Turkey any HIP in Turkey must be charged whether or not a stopover is taken
c. applied on all ticketed points: Western Africa, Malawi, Israel
For journey originating Western Africa, the HIP check in each fare component shall be applied on all ticketed points in Western Africa.
For travel originating in Israel, HIP will be checked for all ticketed points from Israel. This does not apply to the HIP check from an intermediate point to another intermediate point or the fare construction point or to fares with specified routings.
The HIP check applies for private Fare by Rules provided the Fare by Rule is a calculated Fare by Rule and the Base Fare is a public fare, and dependent upon the value in the Category 17 Override field (byte 290). For private calculated FBRs where the Base Fare is a public fare, the Category 17 Override dictates whether or not the HIP check applies as follows:
Category 17 Override Value X (FBR): HIP check should not be done.
Category 17 Override Value B (Base): HIP check should be done.
NOTE: Refer to Section 4.6 Category Override Tags in this document for further information on the application of the Category Override fields.
Travelport does all the HIP processing based on the base fare and then apply the CAT25 discounts over public HIP candidate to get the HIP amount for private fare.
(e.g. Base Fare fare class code, Base Fare fare type code, Base Fare carrier, etc.)
Itinerary with no stopover in DOH
1. QR 615 I 19APR ISBDOH HK1 0350 0540 O* E SU 3
2. QR 167 I 19APR DOHARN HK1 0825 1350 O* E SU 3
3. AY 642 C 26APR ARNHEL HK1 1435 1630 O* SU
4. AY 681 C 01MAY HELARN HK1 0855 0855 O* FR
5. QR 168 I 01MAY ARNDOH HK1 1610 2310 O* E FR 4
6. QR 1100 F 02MAY DOHBAH HK1 0115 0205 O* E SA 4
7. QR 1105 P 16MAY BAHDOH HK1 1450 1545 O* E SA 5
8. QR 614 I 16MAY DOHISB HK1 2030 #0210 O* E SA 5
ADT G * PKR 708361
ISB QR X/DOH QR STO M1359.94CIF AY HEL 506.79CIF AY STO 506.79
DOHSTO3173.07CIF NUC6557.57END ROE101.22
FARE PKR663760 TAX 10000RG TAX 2000SP TAX 606XZ TAX 1010YD
TAX 153PZ TAX 3379YA TAX 544DQ TAX 1021FI TAX 140XU
TAX 1339BH TAX 5409PB TAX 19000YQ TOT PKR708361
Customer asked why we applied a HIP when there is no stopover.
The system is pricing the itinerary correctly according to the fare construction -
Since the system is breaking off the side trip DOH-BAH-DOH as a separate Stand
Alone Pricing Unit. - DOH is now considered as a stopover and not a connection as
shown for the whole itinerary, thus creating a HIP (higher intermediate point)
This is from IATA reso: 017c
vii) when the ticket shows no stopover at both the unit origin and the unit
destination point of a side trip which has been charged separately (due to transfer
connections on both occasions) a stopover shall be considered to be taken at such
point unless the time interval between the arrival immediately preceding the side
trip and the departure immediately following the side trip does not constitute a
stopover as defined in Resolution 012.
when a passenger arrives at an intermediate point and is scheduled to depart later
than 24 hours after arrival (local time)