RBD Booking Class (Record 6)

Travelport 360 Fares is compliant with ATPCO RBD Record 6 Data application

RBD data may be included within Record 1, Record 6, Categories 19-22, and Category 25.

Per ATPCO’s RBD data application, if no secondary carrier exceptions are filed either by concurrence in the primary carrier’s Record 6, Convention 2 data, or by the carrier themselves in the Record 6 Convention 1 data, Travelport 360 Fares will not make any assumptions and fare quote will fail.

We are aware that some other GDS are allowing the Primary Booking Class to be used for pricing even if no data is filed in Record 6, however this is not in compliance with ATPCO.

If any RBD data is missing the itinerary will fail to price as per the following ATPCO Processing diagram below.

Here is an example of missing RBD data in the Chart 2 where XX is a participating carrier in the ZZ fare.

Answer Table A02

If you do not file your cabin class / RBD mapping into ATPCO Answer Table A02 Travelport will apply the default IATA cabin class / RBD definitions as per the below table.

ATPCO Category 25 Fare By Rule RBD Validation

See Cat25 page here

ATP RBD Table 999 Dual Inventory

ATPCO has enhanced RBD Table 999 with two new restriction tag values which will allow carriers to file and data providers to indicate that a Permitted or Required RBD is valid only when another specified RBD is available for sale on the same flights.

When carriers file using one of two new dual inventory restriction tags, inventory of a RBD other than the booking RBD will need to be available to qualify for the fare.

ATPCO RBD Table 999 now has two new restriction tag values:

• Value B If RBD 1 is available, then RBD 2 is permitted

• Value D If RBD 1 is available, then RBD 2 is required

These values will allow a ‘permitted’ or ‘required’ RBD to be valid only when another specified RBD is available for sale on the same flight.

Note these new restriction tags are only applicable to the Table 999 in the Fare Class Application (Record 1) and in Record 6 Convention 2 (Chart 1). ATPCO system edits will prohibit access to them within Chart 1 in Fare By Rule (Category 25) and Record 6 Convention 1 (Chart 2).

What this means is that the RBD shown in the Fare Display data (eg. FDC*1) will show the Primary RBD and any secondary RBD filed in the Chart 1 but the ability to price may be dependant on whether another specified RBD is available at time of pricing.


As you can see here the RBD is T class on the LON-HKG-LON however when we try to price we fail RBD.

When this occurs the carrier has stipulated that another class of service has to be available (N) in order for this fare to be quoted in its required class of service (T). When you look at the base fare table, the base fare is a ‘N-’ fare and the booking code is N* - that asterisk means that N class has to be available for the TKXNCGB fare to be quote in T class.

You can verify this in ATPCO cat25 as follows




RULE - 901/ZMDD BASE - 004/2522/NKXNCGB

CAT25 R2:5010000 / R3:92597727

Check the RBD C25 Table 999 and the Base Fare 989 Tables


If the RBD is showing with an Asterisk * then this base class has to be available at time of pricing. In this case N class has to be available to allow T class pricing.


4.6 Resulting Fare (Bytes 191-273)

4.6.9 Prime RBD and RBD Table 999 (Bytes 222-237, 238-245)

Pending Pages E.03.25.122- 127

Carrier Fare by Rules (non YY)

The following chart illustrates the application of RBD data for carrier Fare by Rules (non YY) depending upon whether data is present or not present in the Category 25 Resulting Fare Prime RBD and Table 999 fields: