Hotel participation levels

Travelport+ hotel participation levels are:

  • Inside shopper

  • Inside availability

Inside shopper

Inside shopper provides inside availability participants with the ability to display integrated, real-time rate and availability data on the hotel availability screen. These participants can accept frequent guest and/or corporate discount information with other hotel availability search qualifiers, enabling the hotel company to respond with customer-specific information.

Inside shopper availability codes of A (available), O (other rates), and C (closed) appear to the right of the line number on the availability screen.

Inside availability

Inside availability provides detailed availability (rates and room descriptions) for a single property. When you sell a room, you receive an immediate confirmation number. The hotel’s computer system builds a room reservation before you end the booking file.

Complete pricing

Inside availability participants can offer complete pricing on the Complete Availability screen and on the Rules screen for a property, meaning you can view the approximate total amount, including any rate changes and taxes for the entire stay.

Complete pricing plus

Complete pricing plus is the next generation of complete pricing. Complete pricing plus encompasses enhanced pricing on Complete Availability screens to include the extra option costs. It also includes the provision of enhanced rate, rule, and leisure-focused room data during the booking process. It then stores this enhanced data in the booking file for future reference.

Best Available Rate (BAR) program

Best Available Rate participants guarantee that the same unrestricted rates available via the hotel chain’s web site or by calling the property directly, are also available in Travelport+. The Best Available Rate indicator appears as an exclamation point (!) next to the chain code in the Smartpoint Cloud hotel availability and hotel index.

Lowest Public Rate (LPR) program

The Lowest Public Rate program takes the BAR program one step further. In the LPR program, chain participants agree not only to provide Travelport+ users with the lowest unrestricted rate but also to those rates that have a deposit or prepayment requirements or a more stringent change or cancellation policy. You can identify LPR rates by the pound symbol (#) on the hotel availability display.

Next lesson: Encode and decode