Cancel a hotel segment

Once you sell an inside availability or inside link hotel, Travelport+ instantly sends a message to the hotel participant. The hotel booking is confirmed as soon as you sell it.

Important: If you ignore the booking file containing an inside availability or inside link hotel before ending it, the hotel space is still confirmed.

Hotels can be cancelled either via the graphical view or using a cryptic command.

Cancel a hotel from the graphical view

Select the hotel car of the property you wish to cancel and press the Cancel booking button at the bottom right of the screen.

A warning message is displayed to confirm the cancellation.

The hotel reservation is canceled, and any remaining reservations are still visible in the PNR.

Cancel a hotel using cryptic commands

The function identifier for canceling a hotel booking is X

To cancel a hotel segment, use the following steps:

  • Display the booking file.

  • Enter X followed by the segment number. 

  • Example: X2

  • Add a Received field and end the booking file

An inside availability participant responds immediately to a cancellation and provides you with a cancellation number. After you end the booking file, the hotel enters an OSI message in the booking file that includes the hotel company code, airport or city code, check-in date, and cancellation number. To display the cancellation number, enter *SI

A close up of a number

Description automatically generated

A cancellation reference number is required for each canceled hotel reservation.

Next lesson: Display a hotel index