Ref 1, 2, and 3

The three reference fields in the general ledger help identify and group general ledger transactions.

"Invoice items" refers to the original posting and also to applications (for example, an RAAR item and the cash receipt applied to it).

Reference Field Description


For invoice items, this is the invoice number.

For adjustments; on-account checks; and on-account, layaway, and gift certificate receipts, this is ONACCOUNT.

For other items, this is generally the date of the item or a user-entered value, such as a vendor’s invoice number.


For individually posted invoice items, this is the customer account ID. For other subledger items, this is the account ID. For example, on a provider on-account check, both Ref 2 and Ref 3 are the provider account ID.

For the ARC invoices batch-posting to accounts payable, this is the ticketing location’s ARC Number. By subtotaling on Ref 2, you can balance the general ledger accounts payable ARC accounts to the ARC/IAR report.


For invoice items, this is the provider account ID. For other subledger items, this is the account ID.