Commission Reconciliation Overview

The Commission Reconciliation function enables you to match the commissions collected by Onyx, Paymode-X (Bottomline Technologies), and TACS (Perot Systems’ Travel Agent Commission Settlement) with GlobalWare invoice items automatically. Organizations that subscribe to these companies provide a list of their paid and canceled reservations, and Onyx, Paymode-X, and TACS provide travel agencies with commissions and a file that contains the reservations. GlobalWare reconciles the Paymode-X file, the TACS file, and both Onyx HCC (original) and ERTS files.

GlobalWare can also reconcile data from other entities if the data is supplied in the generic format.

The Commission Reconciliation function:

This function can also build a bank (cash receipt) journal entry from the data in the file.

This function provides a standard matching method using a set list of fields and an optional method where you select which fields to match on. To use the optional method, it is recommended that you first reconcile using the standard method, and then select fields to reconcile those left.