Getting Agency Plastic Items and Cash Receipts

The Bank Deposit screen provides two links that enable you to automatically retrieve items you need to deposit:

Note: Both options are limited to the GL branches to which the employee has access.

Getting Agency Plastic Items

The Get Agency Plastic Items link on the Bank Deposit screen opens the Get Agency Plastic Items screen.

This screen enables you to retrieve all credit card merchant agreement invoice sale items you need to deposit. If you want to include refunds also, select Include Refunds on the Bank Deposit screen before you click the Get Agency Plastic Items link.

Initially, the Post Item grid includes all open agency plastic items dated on or before the bank deposit date with the same branch as the bank deposit. You can change the cut-off date by entering a different date in the Agency Plastic to Date field. You can display open items from all branches by selecting ALL in the GL Branch field. You can limit the items to a specific credit card company by entering its code in the CC Code field.

To view details, select a row and press F4.

After you select items and click OK, GlobalWare adds the items to the bank deposit and posts the receipts to the original invoices. To select all items listed in the Post Item grid, click SELECT ALL.

Getting Cash Receipts

The Get Cash Receipts link on the Bank Deposit screen opens the Get Cash Receipts screen.

This screen enables you to automatically retrieve all cash or check transactions (invoice items with FOP cash and cash/check payments through the Interface) you need to deposit. Initially, the Post Item grid includes all open items dated on or before the bank deposit date with the same branch as the bank deposit. You can change the cut-off date by entering a different date in the Get Cash to Date field. You can display open items from all branches by selecting ALL in the GL Branch field.

To view details, select a row and press F4.

After you select items and click OK, GlobalWare adds the items to the bank deposit and posts the receipts to the original invoices. To select all items listed in the Post Item grid, click SELECT ALL.