Creating the Document

To create a document for a mail merge, you can use either the word processor available in GlobalWare or some other commercial word-processing package.

Using GlobalWare's Word Processor

To use GlobalWare's built-in word processor, on the Tools submenu, click GlobalWare Word Processor.

You can insert Account ID data fields in the document where appropriate by clicking Data Field on the Insert menu. Select the desired field by double-clicking on it. The following fields are available from the account file:

Field Description


Account ID.


Account type (C, P, V, or E).


Addr1 (attention/second name line), Addr2 (first address line), Addr3 (second address line) (each on a separate line).


City, State, Zip (on one line).


Today’s date, month spelled out.


Account name.




Today’s date, digits only.


Account type description (Business, Personal, and so forth).

After creating the document, save the document by clicking the Save () icon on the toolbar. Enter the file name and save the document in Rich Text Format (.rtf). After saving the document, it can be used for mail merges.

Using a Different Word Processor

When using a different word processor, create the document as desired. Insert the data fields into the document where appropriate by entering the field names surrounded by two brackets on either side (for example, [[AccountID]], [[Salutation]], and so forth). You can choose from the fields listed above.

After creating the document, save your work in Rich Text Format (.rtf). After saving the text, you can use it for mail merge purposes.