Using the GlobalWare Task List Pane

The GlobalWare Task List pane offers agencies a place on the GlobalWare dashboard to view and manage employee work tasks.

Tasks on this pane can be managed in two ways:

Managing tasks on the GlobalWare Task List pane

An employee can manage the task list directly on the GlobalWare Task List pane in the following ways:

Managing tasks on the Managed Tasks screen

A manager can use the Managed Tasks function to add tasks for one or more employees, edit tasks, and delete tasks. This reduces the use of e-mail messages or paper notes for task management.

To manage employee tasks:

  1. On the System submenu, click Managed Tasks. The Managed Tasks screen appears.

    Note: To access the Managed Tasks function, your employee account profile must have High permission selected under System Menu on the Employee Security screen. For more information, see Employee Security.

    The tasks listed on this screen for an individual employee match what the employee sees in the GlobalWare Task List pane on their GlobalWare dashboard. The Completed column in the Search Results grid indicates whether employees have completed their respective tasks.

  2. Perform one of the following actions:

    • Add a task for one or more employees.

      1. In the Emp. Sign Code box at the top of the screen, type the sign code for the employee. For multiple employees, type the sign codes for the employees, delimiting them with commas (for example, KS,LS,RM)

        Note: To search for one or more employee's sign codes, click the lookup () button. The Employee dialog box appears. Select the appropriate employee sign code, or select multiple employee sign codes while pressing the Ctrl key, and then click SELECT.

        Note: You can use the Search By and Contains boxes to quickly search for an employee sign code by employee sign code, employee account ID, or employee name.

      2. In the Task box, type a task description.

      3. Click ADD.

        GlobalWare adds the task for each assigned employee in the Search Results grid.

    • Edit a task.

      1. Double-click the row in the Search Results grid for the task to edit.

        Note: You cannot edit tasks that have been completed (Completed field is Y).

        GlobalWare populates the top portion of the Managed Tasks screen with the selected task information. The ADD button changes to SAVE, and the CANCEL button becomes active.

      2. Edit the task information, as appropriate.
      3. Click SAVE.
    • Delete one or more tasks.

      In the Search Results grid on the Managed Tasks screen, select the task to delete, or select multiple tasks while pressing the Ctrl key (which highlights them in blue), and then click DELETE.

  3. To close the Managed Tasks screen, click the exit () icon or press Alt+X.

    Task changes made on the screen automatically appear on individual employee dashboards after the screen closes.